This show is dedicated to the man who turned me on to this band, Drew Allen, while staying in his spare bedroom to save money to get a place. Fanxs Drew Allen. -Nate
Very good. -Frank
Possessed by Paul James: Should Have Known Better
Another Texan mixin’ blues, country and punk. I love this genre. -Nate
This is great. He really gets a nice, full sound out of a solo act. -Frank
Scott H. Biram: Sinkin' Down
Someone I picked up this week. -Nate
Noisy as fuck, I love it. -Frank
Hillstomp: Jumper on the Line
Casey Mckenzie turned me on to this tune. She was at this shoe in k-zoo it gives me goose bumps. -Nate
Curtis Eller: Save Me Joe Louis
This real life hobo actually makes his own instruments. -Nate
This guy has had an interesting life. a truly unique musician. -Frank
Seasick Steve: Save Me
Starting off with someone I discovered this week, Alela Diane from Portland. -Frank
Damn good find-nate
Alela Diane: Colorado Blue
Folk Uke is Woody Guthrie's granddaughter Cathy Guthrie and Willie Nelson's daughter Amy Nelson. This isn't the best choice of song, but most of their shit isn't up on Youtube. -Frank
Its good, it sounds like a child’s tune till they start saying if you love me knock me up. -Nate
A lot of their stuff is slightly twisted/dark. -Frank
Folk Uke: Knock Me Up
A band from Indiana named after a town in Ohio. -Frank
Nice hahahahha. -Nate
Defiance, Ohio: Hey Kathleen, Are You Hungry?
Continuing on in a folk/punk vein. -Frank
Hail Seizures: Song for the Ride
His name turned me off, I thought he was going to be a joke, but then I listened to him and he's really great. -Frank
Should have been a joke. -Nate
Jonny Corndawg: Night Rider